Lean Visual Control Strategies

May 16, 2024 by

We've all been there: when needed, you head to the where you keep an important tool, only to find it's missing! It isn't immediately clear who has it, why it's gone, or if the tool was ever in that spot in the first place.

The goal of visual control is to fix these common headaches via giving everything a home, posting clear work instructions, utilizing kanban systems, color coding, and many more possible strategies to avoid misplacing items or suffering a breakdown in communication. After all, a clean and organized space is a happy space!

It might takes more than just a few thoughtfully placed TrippNT products to develop a comprehensive visual control system. Here are some quick jumping-off points for establishing lean-friendly visual control in the workplace:


Give Everything a Home

Label and outline specific areas for different supplies and tools with floor markings or wall signs. When tools have a dedicated home, it is easy for staff to find items when needed and return items to their designated spot--plus, it is easier to tell when a tool is in use!


Post Clear Work Instructions

Place standard procedures, checklists, or visual work instructions at the relevant process points. These serve as visual cues that can seamlessly guide staff through their daily procedures and reduce variability in output.

Use Kanban Cards

Kanban cards help communicate status of a process and ensure nothing gets missed. An effective kanban system ensures all important materials are always stocked, and communicates what is needed at a glance.


Utilize Metric Boards

Setting up boards with key performance indicators in common areas is a great way to visually communicate with your team. Regularly reviewing metric boards with your team is ideal to deepen transparency across the team and focus on data-driven improvements.

Color Code!

Color coding lab supplies, specimens, and tools is a simple and visual way to organize your space. Simple color labels can ease inter-team communication and minimize errors.

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